Humanpage is now in private testing
Modern portfolio
A world-class portfolio website platform for everyone, everything. You can now take more care on content, not coding.
It's your dream platform
Before Humanpage has emerged, building a portfolio website is never an easy task. You need design skills to build a great site in a graphical website builder. You need coding skills to develop a website from ground up or with some complex features. And, you need to write your content in a messy CMS without any UX.
But now, with Humanpage, you are able to build a portfolio website by simply putting your content in. That means – the cost of building a site and delivering contents are surprisingly low. You don't need to spend any prior time or have any skill to begin writing in your portfolio. And you will never be bothered by an ad or a platform structure, which may make your portfolio not a portfolio.
If you do not have any design skill, we have our well-designed themes for you. So, there won't be any “building” tasks in your timeline. You can start showing your CV online on the same day, you can start writing in minutes, or you can start updating the changelog of your project right now.
If you want to build your website on another graphical website builders, Humanpage is still designed for you! We know that everyone hates to write content in a messy CMS, which has never been designed for blog, changelog, roadmap, or anything. By using our public APIs in a third-party platform, you can use Humanpage dashboard with everything front-end in your control.
If you are a developer, you can definitely use Humanpage as a back-end. We have an industry-leading dashboard for you to manage your content in the most intuitive and comfortable way, and a series of DX-friendly APIs for you to use in your code. Are you still managing your static content in a markdown file? That should probably be the past.
Use cases
Humanpage is designed for everyone and everything, seriously. You can create a portfolio website for any possibility in your mind, even for your projects or your pets.
Developers use Humanpage to share their thoughts. Good programmers always write blogs for knowledge and tricks. They create pages not only for themselves but for their projects because Changelog section is the best way to present the progress or blog of their projects.
Photographers use Humanpage to share amazing landscapes with a detailed camera configuration table attached. Collections feature helps them organize their photos in an extremely intuitive way.
Researchers use Humanpage to share latest progress and inspiring results. LaTeX equation is well-supported in order to empower the most beautiful presentation of research contents. Roadmap feature is widely used for presenting the current progress to people who are interested in their research.
Designers use Humanpage to share their artworks. Art Collection feature is made specifically for artifacts like paintings, drawings, and illustrations.
People use Humanpage to share their unique stories. It could be your CV, your resume, your portfolio, or anything you would like to share. Your readers will enjoy your routine updates with no-ads and no-tracking.
Crafted by a lovely team in Amherst, MA.
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